Thursday, July 07, 2005

No new news to report on the herding front. I hope to trial with Grace at the end of July in an ASCA trial. We need that final Advanced Cattle leg to get our WTCH!

The World Sheep Dog Finals are going on in Ireland right now. Patrick Shannahan has been reporting on his adventures with Riggs on his web site. Great reading, even if sheep dogs aren't your thing! Well I suppose it would make it more interesting to read if you at least liked the concept of herding sheep with your dog.

The only other news is that both Juanita and Grace were looked at for an Iams dog food print advertising campaign. I had to send head shots to a dog agent. No news yet if they were chosen. Grace has two looks, sullen and excited so I doubt she's what they are looking for. Juanita however has a chance. I could be a stage mom!